In order to become a great leader you have to do some great following. Like following the footsteps and paths of great leaders that have come before. Because honestly, without them, the new generation of leaders coming up wouldn't even have a clue.
The summer after I graduated from high school I did work as an inspector for a civil engineering company constructing foundations for high-rise buildings. I was the inspector on the site. My job was to watch this big rig(pile driver) knock this 60-120ft piece of steel into the earth and count how many times it hit it per foot until it reached a certain capacity. I had the to tell construction workers who were 30 years my senior when they could stop working. Surely this was all new to me and I was obviously uncomfortable with the situation, but my boss knew that I was a leader and had the capabilities to get necessary objectives accomplished.
For the first month none of the workers would listen to a word that I said. I would have to get my boss on the phone to make sure they did the work that was expected of them. After three months of battling with the workers it was the end of the summer. As I was getting ready to head off to college the foreman took off his hard-hat, shook my hand, and said, "A true leader never demands respect. He earns it. And you've done a hell of a job of that here, son."
No matter what, there are always going to be obstacles and road blocks on your way to greatness. The only thing you have to do is get through them.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Road to Being a Leader
Posted by
6:06:00 AM
Labels: Albert Einstein, Greatness, Leader
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Cause and Effects of The 2000 Presidential Election
The 2000 U.S. presidential election has probably had and will have the greatest influence over the rest of the 21st century. Even though it’s still considered a conspiracy theory, the 2000 Presidential election is suspected to have been stolen or fixed by the Bush administration. There were reports of Florida officials putting up road blocks on certain roads so that minority voters couldn’t make it to the polls. There were also reports of inaccurate ballot counts, defective and/or erroneous electronic voting machines, and other unscrupulous tactics use in the efforts to advocate Bush’s election. The outcome of this election set the stage of the foreign relations between the U.S. and the rest of the world for decades to come.
On the other hand, if Al Gore was elected. I believe there would have been a larger focus on the production, manufacturing, and commercial marketing of renewable energy. Therefore, we wouldn’t have had to invade Iraq for the purpose of putting an end to a ruthless dictator’s pursuit of weapons of mass destruction or as many others believe, to steal their oil. The Bush administration’s initial reasoning for the declaration of the war was to fight terrorism. But still to this day, we have not found any weapons of mass destruction or even Osama Bin Laden, for that matter.
Another theory that is being entertained by scientists is that, Hurricane Katrina was a product of global warming. And if we had vigorously engaged green energy resources the way we’ve engaged all of these countries into this senseless war, Hurricane Katrina could have possibly been prevented. If that is the case, being that we are the largest consuming country of carbon producing fossil fuels in the world. We would have no one else to blame but ourselves.
To sum it all up, global temperatures are climbing, ocean levels are rising, and unnecessary U.S. and coalition troops are dying. We also cannot forget the hundreds of thousands of lives that were wiped out by natural disasters in the past few years. There would be less international conflicts and more of a balanced harmony throughout the world, if George Bush had not stolen the 2000 presidential election.
Posted by
8:10:00 PM
Labels: Election, George Bush, Presidency
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The Real World
It is said that the schooling that we endure for at least 12 years of our life, is there to help us prepare for college. Then after that if we're academically, athletically, or financially fortunate enough to get into college. Those four years of college are there to prepare for the real world. I always had a problem with this theory. Because depending where you go to school, your surroundings may be nothing like the "real world." What is the real world???
There are many different interpretations of the real world a.k.a. reality. The bottom line is: Most people's reality in based on their financial income. If you're broke and have no money to eat then your reality is hunger and poverty. If you're barely making ends meets, but still working over 40hrs a weeks then your reality is struggling. If you're wealthy and have no financial worries, then your reality is comfortable.
I believe everyone in this real world is aspiring to achieve the latter of these realities. And if they're not, then that means they've already given up on themselves. I do not believe in being defeated by any system because every system has loopholes that were put there by the very same people who created the system.
The only problem is that some people have been in poverty so long that they've become comfortable with that situation and don't aspire for anything more. This is probably the saddest reality we have in our country. Also, the lack of education keeps it that way. Programs like No Child Left Behind are keeping it that way. Please people... aspire for more. Don't be content with mediocre. The time is now!!!
Posted by
6:49:00 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Poverty in the U.S. and World
The class system that makes up our international population consists of these 5 categories. The condescending wealthy, the pretentious, upper-class rich, the working poor, the welfare poor, and the malnurished poverty stricken. Notice, there is no more middle class. All of those jobs are have been outsourced thanks to the condescending wealthy people. The best way to reform welfare is to have it reward employment . Which would subsidize the working poor instead of paying them not to work. Then, that will bring us one step close to eliminating poverty.
Right now, we are importing all the cheap, mediocre, and unsafe goods manufactured by these Third World countries and using free trade to legitimize the transactions while our government and these major corporations are capitalizing on us and them. Sending the lower paying jobs oversees may help those countries and the global economy as a whole. At the same time, it will increase the amount of people for whom it makes more economical sense in the U.S., to go on welfare or join the unemployment line, instead of working. If we are the consumers, then we need to either demand quality merchandise or stop buying these unsafe and cheaply made products.
It’s similar to the problem of the rising povert y happening in Iraq. The Iraqi government knows that it lacks the economic stabilty, and now, resources to assess the current dilemma. Due to the mentalty, “The Americans will take care of it." The post-war reconstruction and economic progression they are trynig to attain, remains stagnant. Why does it always have to be America that helps the poor worldwide everytime? China and India are growing at 9 percent annually. China's economy is increasing thanks to corporations like Wal-Mart by getting a majority of its cheap goods made there. In addition with a large number of U.S., I.T. and telecom companies(AT&T and Microsoft) sending their technical support phone line jobs and phone sales jobs to India; where the people there work for cheap. India has a population of over a billion people and the U.S. employs about 10% of that. That’s 100,000,000 people. Just imagine what even half that number would do for the American economy and the sprit of the nation as a whole.
Why can't their own governments handle that job? Why don’t their own governments find another country to handle their public services and to donate charity? It comes back to the mentality that America owes the world and it is expected to be the world's welfare office, police dept., insurance agency and emergency rescue service without receiving any compensation back in respect, gratitude, or even money for doing so. But I feel that is probably due to the America’s past transgressions to humanity. For example: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those are just two obvious reasons why the U.S. government, even now, feels obligated to make an attempt to contribute so much to world aide. If the world wants an American president to handle global poverty, then they should do it the democratic way and elect him as the World President.
John Edwards' presidential candidacy is based on the theme that he is the hero of the poor. When in reality, Edwards is no friend of the poor, and his policies would actually end up making poverty worse. He speaks of the elimination of poverty as a moral ideal, and he portrays himself as the candidate most compassionate and most committed to the ideal.
The working-class American earning a union wage or even on unemployment compensation can hardly be considered poor by world standards. Poor people in America are rich on an international scale. Which is why liberal activists stress redistribution in the United States, but never worldwide. In any global redistribution, even poor Americans would have to contribute so that the really poor people in Asia, Africa, and India would benefit.
The greatest travesty to the effotrs of eliminating world poverty would be restricting free trade. Here is feasibly one of the greatest anti-poverty programs ever constituted. For scores the U.S. has tried to help millions of poverty stricken people in under-devleoped countries through foreign aid. Which inturn worked against them because it didn't reduce dependency while continuously adding to their own national deficit. Then the U.S. tried loans through the International Monetary Fund. Loans proved to be inadequate because the poor countries didn't supply enough of the other countries’ demands. This consequently hindered their ability to pay back the loans and put them further in debt. So they took out new loans so that they could make the interest payments on the old loans.
Now, with free trade, we have millions of people in countries like India, Thailand and China making shoes and shirts and providing services that are highly demanded on the world market today. Hundereds of millions of people who were in dire poverty. have through their own productive labor been raised into the working class. Think of what that means in terms of reducing poverty on a global level. There is no other poverty-reducing measure better than global free trade. It helps the poor man eat and that is the ultimate goal that we are trying accomplish.
By: Rahsheid White
Posted by
9:01:00 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Will Clinton & Obama Team Up???
Hillary Clinton's charismatic personality in last night's democratic presidential debate evoked more laughter and applause than her actual views on the real issues. Which brings the question, is this a presidential debate or a popularity contest??? It's a bit of both actually- favoring towards the popularity side. Unless you're George W. and just decide to steal the election.
Regardless, the two front runners for the Dems are Clinton and Obama. Who I predict after the primary's will eventually become running mates. Clinton, will no doubt accumulate a large majority of the feminist vote, while Barak will snag most, if not all, of the minority vote. It will be a win win for the Democrats.
Even though I am all for a change from the capitalistic regime we've had to endure for the past seven years. A change of government as drastic as that could be like opening Pandora's box. Because even though I'm ready to see something like that. I'm not too sure how the rest of the nation will handle it. A female as president and an African-American as vice president. Besides Colin and Codeleeza who have been the closest, Clinton and Obama will closer than any of their kind that have come before them. For Hillary she's actually a pioneer in the making. The first of her kind. While Obama puts Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to shame with his professional realism.
A white woman and a black man, together, in the white house. This has been a union caucasian men all over the world have denounced, hated, and feared for centuries. The people whom represent the supposed two minorities of our country may be the only ones that can help bring it back together. An interracial office or a united office. Anyway you say it, it sounds good to me!
Posted by
10:44:00 AM
Labels: Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, Pres. Debate Candidates
Everybody wants to be a Hero
Every time our country nears recession or is in a time of war. TV networks seem to play on peoples needs to escape from reality and feel more powerful or important. Now you're probably thinking this is more of that conspiracy theory crap, again. Even though my sole beliefs may be bit theoretical. I assure the contents of this article are facts.
In the 1930s, came the the first generation of superheroes. This was during The Great Depression. People needed a form of escapism to forget about their "depressing" lives. So television gives them hope with Superman, the first superhuman to tantalize our imaginations. He leaps over buildings, he's faster than a than a locomotive, he is the alpha male that both adults and adolescents fantasize to be. Other Superman renditions were created shortly after, but none were able to sustain any longevity, except for one.
A superhero whose reality is harsher and more accurate to the era. He lacks any real powers and fights mob bosses instead of aliens. His character spawned from the senseless death of his parents. He is a vigilante for the people and he crusades at night. He is Batman. Yes, Batman was an adult creation back during his early inceptions.
Now in 2007, we have Heroes, Smallville, Bionic Woman, and the list goes on. Could this possibly be a precursor for the times to come??? We already see what's happening in the housing market. Plus, I also believe that those stock market numbers are fabricated. I mean look what happened to Enron and who's our president now. Hopefully, the truth comes out sooner before later, but until then just keep preparing for the inevitable. And noooo, I'm not talking about the return Jesus Christ. I'm talking about the uncertainty of our nation in a post Bush era. It's going to be pretty close to chaos. Not even Superman or Batman will be able to save us from that shit.
Posted by
7:20:00 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Immigrants Have More Freedom Than Me
Has anyone realized how easy it is for a an immigrant to get a driver's license in the U.S.? But then again, who really cares... until you get sideswiped by by a non english speaking mothafucka in a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry. In most instances all they need is a passport. If I show up to the DMV and tell them that I lost my license... I gotta go through damn near everything short of a DNA exam just to get it back.
You know that 6-point bullshit they instituted to make it harder for fake ID's to be manufactured by the DMV. I'd have to come up with my birth certificate, social security card, high school diploma, and a utility bill to show proof of address, and soon to come a fingerprint. All just to get my licensed renewed. Meanwhile, Manuel and Wilfredo show up with their passport and fake social security card and they're good to go. It just boggles my mind how easy we make it for them to get around in our country and how difficult we make it for our own citizens to enjoy the "privilege" of driving.
This is mainly because of our government's plans to eventually have one currency throughout Canada, U.S., and Mexico. It is called the Amero. It was created when the three countries made an alliance called the North American Union. You have probably have never heard of this, but it is actually happeneing as we speak. This will actually remove any boundaries between the three countries. That's probably the reason why Mexicans have been getting into this country like there are no borders anyway.
Now, I'm not knocking them and saying they don't have the right to freedom, because I feel everybody has a right to freedom. But when I see a woman walking with a child holding each hand, one in a stroller, one in those face to face baby straps, and another on the way. I mean seriously... Give me a break!!! I know I'm not the only person that feels this way. Leave a comment if you share the same point of view.
Posted by
5:28:00 AM
Labels: Amero, DMV, Driver's license, Immigrants, Mexicans
Monday, September 24, 2007
Mind Games
Why do people play mind games with each other? Is it for sense of control, do they like to see other people lose control, or are they just confused individuals who are insecure??? Depending on the person, it's all of the above. Everybody has that someone that is always able to get under our skin and get a rise out of us no matter how hard we try to resist. They just know what button to push. First comes the rhetorical question. Then comes the argument. After that it's the guilt trip. Finally, it's some sort of reconciliation, apology, or make-up sex. It's like we give a reason for total resentment just to find a reason to love.
The day and age of unconditional love are being watered down by materialistic things and most of all, money. Whatever happened to falling in love with a man with a bus pass? Nowadays, it's "You don't love me cause you don't buy me shit!!!" Now I'm not saying that is true in all cases cause it's not. But the more I come across people who have just recently broken up or have gotten divorced. Money was the number one issue. If money's the issue, here's help( Whatever happened staying together for the kids? You know how many nut cases we got running around still pissed off about their parents divorce, which was a decade ago.
Some people were just born with chemical imbalances and can't even help it. So they're really just playing mind games with themselves. But if you watch TV(the ultimate mind game), they got a a drug for that, too. There are non-medicinal alternatives though. Like not eating to much sugar, drinking too alcohol, or indulging in too many drugs. Those things have been proven to directly effect the brain. Also, getting an amply supply of water everyday is vital for your mental health. Not tap water. Cause lord knows what's in that shit. So go out and buy a Brita if you have to. Not to mention getting some sort of daily exercise. Even if it's playing with your dog when you take it out for a walk... sweat a little. It releases endorphins and in turn gives you a sense of well-being.
Last but not least, make sure you're comfortable in your home. They say home is where the heart is. Your home is the place you should feel the most comfortable. If your brain is at ease, then your heart is at ease. Don't forget to laugh. Laughing actually takes years off of your real age. So if you're gonna play any type of mind game on someone, try to make sure everybody can laugh about it in the end. Cause after all, if you keep playing mind games with the person you love. You'll eventually end up losing that person and you'll only end up playing yourself.
Posted by
6:39:00 AM
Labels: Drugs, Excercise, Health, Mind Games
Saturday, September 22, 2007
December 25th As We Know It
Did anybody ever wonder why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th? I'ma tell you right now! It's not because Jesus Christ was born on that day. Now, I'm going to say for the record that I strongly believe in God and that I am not an atheist. Some parts of this report may seem it bit blasphemish to some readers, but I confirmed and reconfirmed that all the information contained in this article are astrological and historical facts.
In 3000B.C. there was an Egptyin Sun God named Horus. The striking similarities that he shares with Jesus Christ are that they both:
-Were born on December 25th
-Were born of a virgin
-Teacher at age 12
-Had 12 disciples
-Baptized/Minisrty at 30
-Performed miracles
-Walked on water
-"Lamb of God/The light"
-Dead for 3 days
I believe it's more than a coincidence that the Christian religion based the entire history and life of their messiah on that of a praised ancient Eyptian figure. After all, Egytians are the first civilization known to man. Also, these aren't the only saviors that share these characterisctics. You also have:
Mithra of Persia(1200BC)
Attis of Greece(1200BC)
Krishna of India(900BC)
Dionysus of Greece(500BC)... and dozens more.
That's the historical part of December 25th.The astrological part of it you may find a bit more intriguing, as did I. What is the one thing life on this Earth cannot live without. The sun, which rises in the east every morning. Jesus' birth was signalled by a star in the east and he was adorned by 3 kings. That star in the east is, Sirius. On December 24th, Sirius lines up with the 3 brightest stars on Orions belt. These 3 stars are called "the 3 kings." These all point to the place of the sunrise on December 25th.
During the winter solstice, the sun continuously moves south. Making shorter days and longer nights. On December 22, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. Signifying the death of the sun. At this time the sun stops moving south for 3 days. During these 3 days the sun resides in the southern cross constellation(CRUX). On December 25th, the sun moves 1 degree north. Symbolizing, its resurrection. Thus it was said, "The sun died on a cross, was dead for 3 days, only to be resurrected again."

They shall see the son coming in the clouds.
He that came down from heaven even the son which is in heaven.
John 3:13
Then Jesus came forth wearing a crown of thorns.

There is an uncirmountable amout of evidence that corelates to the confirmation of the myth of Jesus Christ. For a more explicit and detailed inquiry of this report. Click on the link.
This is not an advertisment nor is it another site to try and solicit anything to you. It is an informative documentary on the same plane as that of a Loose Change or Farenheit 9/11, but covers a lot more than just the events on 9/11. It is approx. 1hr and 56mins and honestly the greatest documentary I've ever seen.Givng you the truth as clearly as I possibly can.
Rahsheid White
Posted by
5:34:00 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
It's Friday!!
In a world where information is key and knowledge is power. Nothing is more valuable than having the right connections. Which basically means, if you don't know anyone important, then it's almost like your not important. Everyone has a friend that plays a certain role in their life. Some are a little more extensive than others.
You have those friends you haven't spoken to in months maybe even years. But with one phone call, you can pick up right where you left off. You have friends that are practically your brother/sister, that you speak to on a daily basis. Then you have your best friend, who could potentially be your roommate. But this is the friend that you speak to hours on end about the dumbest shit in the world, with no reservations. No boundaries. Can't forget that friend of a friend. Who stays in that category as to not offend the friend that introduced you to each other. Then come the acquaintances. Who in my book, are sorely underrated.
Being that it's Friday, you're most likely going to engage in a social activity. Either at a bar, club, house party, cafe, or wherever. Where after a few drinks, everybody's a potential friend.That's it for today. It's FRIDAY, bitches!!! Go out and have some fun... responsibly.
Posted by
8:28:00 AM
Labels: Friday Entertainment