Did anybody ever wonder why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th? I'ma tell you right now! It's not because Jesus Christ was born on that day. Now, I'm going to say for the record that I strongly believe in God and that I am not an atheist. Some parts of this report may seem it bit blasphemish to some readers, but I confirmed and reconfirmed that all the information contained in this article are astrological and historical facts.
In 3000B.C. there was an Egptyin Sun God named Horus. The striking similarities that he shares with Jesus Christ are that they both:
-Were born on December 25th
-Were born of a virgin
-Teacher at age 12
-Had 12 disciples
-Baptized/Minisrty at 30
-Performed miracles
-Walked on water
-"Lamb of God/The light"
-Dead for 3 days
I believe it's more than a coincidence that the Christian religion based the entire history and life of their messiah on that of a praised ancient Eyptian figure. After all, Egytians are the first civilization known to man. Also, these aren't the only saviors that share these characterisctics. You also have:
Mithra of Persia(1200BC)
Attis of Greece(1200BC)
Krishna of India(900BC)
Dionysus of Greece(500BC)... and dozens more.
That's the historical part of December 25th.The astrological part of it you may find a bit more intriguing, as did I. What is the one thing life on this Earth cannot live without. The sun, which rises in the east every morning. Jesus' birth was signalled by a star in the east and he was adorned by 3 kings. That star in the east is, Sirius. On December 24th, Sirius lines up with the 3 brightest stars on Orions belt. These 3 stars are called "the 3 kings." These all point to the place of the sunrise on December 25th.
During the winter solstice, the sun continuously moves south. Making shorter days and longer nights. On December 22, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. Signifying the death of the sun. At this time the sun stops moving south for 3 days. During these 3 days the sun resides in the southern cross constellation(CRUX). On December 25th, the sun moves 1 degree north. Symbolizing, its resurrection. Thus it was said, "The sun died on a cross, was dead for 3 days, only to be resurrected again."

They shall see the son coming in the clouds.
He that came down from heaven even the son which is in heaven.
John 3:13
Then Jesus came forth wearing a crown of thorns.

There is an uncirmountable amout of evidence that corelates to the confirmation of the myth of Jesus Christ. For a more explicit and detailed inquiry of this report. Click on the link. http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/
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Rahsheid White
Hello Sadiki!
I saw your blog on Blogging To Fame! I admit that I don't understand all the words here, but I can see it's a good blog! Congratulations!
December 25th - Is Christmas Day? I believe It's more than a symbolic creation to adore the Jesus Christ. It didn't have an appointed date to celebrate the Jesus birth, then the religious man created this date. It isn't what the sacred Holy Writs say, but ... I love this date so much, but unhappyly with passing of the years ... today we can see that the man evolution made this date a commerce day to make money.
Sorry! My English is not very good and I think it isn't sufficient to comment this controversy. It's only from american music. Keep up the good work friend! Warm Regards, Renato de Trindade (Brazil)
ok ya know what..u guys focus wayyy too much on the details. yes, they may have copied the details. but the main point of the christian religion is to love others. i dont care about a bible that was written by humans because i dont know if it was true. the egyptian and christian religion have a lot of things in common but i haven't seen anything in the egyptian religion saying to love others, and thats the main part of the christian religion, that if you love people, you go to heaven. you dont have to believe that jesus had 12 disciples. stop looking at every detail just so you can try to prove something wrong when every tiny detail has nothing to do with it
Hi, great theory, but not a new one. I've got loads of thoughts on this as I'm sure a lot of people have. But I'd like you to think over just one question for now.
Egyptian Sun god, Southern Cross... Think, forget religious conspiracy theory, think geography.
Egyptian Sun god (Northern Hemisphere)... Southern Cross... got it? Wrong half of the globe folks!
But it is good to get the old grey matter going. However lets not get to carried away with our intellectualism. Maybe God knows more than us!? Now there's a thought...
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